A small stub of conduit feeds the rear of the junction box on the back garage wall, pictured above. At the time of this installation in 2002, the latter connection hooked up the rose drip system valve to an independent controller inside the garage, with nothing passing through the underground conduit.
As of late spring 2005, the new ET controller replaced the independent controller to at first only control the same rose drip system via the pictured valve. Once proper cabling was obtained in early summer, two 7-conductor 18 ga. 30V irrigation cables were run in parallel. Because the color codes of the cable wires are identical, one cable is marked at each of its several ends with blue electrical tape. Wires in this cable are noted as [wire color]/blue in these pages and other documentation.
The two cables “free run” inside the garage, held by staples, until they enter the pictured junction box from the rear, and terminate in either terminal strip screws or wire nuts. All except the one (white/blue) wire for Valve 12 (this valve, the rose drip system) continue onwards into the underground conduit run which exits the bottom of the box.